Like other reviewers, I have a real love/hate relationship with Walmart. Some locations aren't that bad. Others, like this one, are a flipping nightmare. I really should have heeded the Yelp reviews on this location..but alas, I really needed some random home items & groceries in a pinch-apparently I am also a glutton for punishment.
Before I even walked into the store, I almost flipped out on the security guards. One was smoking right in front of the entrance-about 5 feet? And parked in front of him was a golf cart with two other guards just shooting the breeze..completely blocking the entrance from where I was coming. I had a cart and these guards couldn't be bothered to move out of the way...What do I need to do? I tried to go around but it was almost impossible.
The clientele is quintessential "People of Walmart" variety. A lot of sketchy characters, some appeared to be just hanging out as if it's a thing to do. It was really hard to find things at this Walmart. I searched for 15 minutes for a water filter with nary an employee in I gave up.
When I finally decided to end this torturous experience and check out, I noticed that there weren't any Self Checkout lanes (boo). I guess not all locations have them, so I decided to wait in one of the few long checkout lanes because apparently having more than 5 cashiers at any given point in time is unnecessary (rolls eyes). have like, 20 checkout lanes?!?! Maybe I'm overestimating but it is quite a lot. Our cashier was either new or just didn't really care that she was bagging our groceries haphazardly. I'm sure I could do a better job.. I mean-common sense tells you to bag like items correct? But I digress.
I hope I'm never in such a bind that I have to come here again. There's too many grocery stores around me to even excuse going.