Why review a mainstream toy store? What did they ever do to you?
Plenty I say....PLENTY!!!
Here it is. I'm hoping the word get's out to all my nerd posse' gripping their rare variant action figures. Or a Barbie collector who needs their Fashion Fever fix.
This store as long as it has been around does not understand the most important words in retail......CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! (learn it peeps!)
Toys R Us corners the market when I comes to toys....and yet, ask a person who works there anything about their company or product and you get a blank stare and maybe some drool. Or my all time favorite...."You should check on-line."
Hey how 'bout this....."YOU FRIGGIN EXIST SO I DON'T HAVE TO GO ON-LINE!!"
I am a slave to my collection. I go to Toys R US all the time. ( my Peter Pan syndrome is harsh man. ) The shelves are usually empty. See, my theory is that other NERDS work there and they pick the hard to find figures out of the boxes and sell them on EBAY. ( I've got your game, ya big DORKS ) And i don't wanna resell, I just want one for me. One figure to hold and cherish above all others.
Anyway, all collectors beware. Go to Target. At least our brethren that work there will help you out. That is if you can find one. ( Hello? echo, echo.....it's kind of like the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark) This was more of a RANT than a REVIEW, but, I felt it had to be said.