| - I don't drink, but I sure know how to laugh.
I used to go to the L.A. Comedy Club back when it was inside of Trader Vic's, the former Cabo Wabo. After Trader Vic's closed, I followed the L.A. Comedy Club downtown to Four Queens, where the comedians would occassionally include a joke that they know it's called the Four Queens because that casino has a bunch of old ladies around, or yada yada yada.
Regardless, my loyal following has led me back to their new former location, Cabo Wabo's. You can do the all you can drink option for $25.
This is one of the best deals on the Strip! I do have a couple of reservations, however.
I have probably been to L.A. Comedy Club about twenty times, and have seen some comics like Jason Harris, Todd Paul, and Bret Ernst again and again. They're funny every time I see them, and I like how they change up their delivery. I would wish to see more different comics.
Each show is different from the last, based on the crowd and also based on the comics and the comics' reaction to the crowd. If you go in on a bad crowd night, and by bad crowd, I mean arm-crossed try-to-make-me-laughers, then you're going to have a not-so-great time, because comics need to feed off of the laugh. It gives them super powers. So... a suggestion... laugh and nudge the guys next to you to do the same.
With those reservations said, I really like that there is a good mix of locals and tourists at this show. I also really like that they allow the stage host to make jokes and let you warm up to laugh for the real crowd-pleasers leading up to the headliner.