Easily the closest you can get to In-N-Out in Canada. Their "West Coast" Burger is essentially In-N-Out's "Animal Style" (i.e. fried in mustard, grilled onions, special sauce) and they also have "West Coast" Fries which are very close to the Animal Style fries you can get at In-N-Out (they're smothered in cheese, topped with onions and doused in special sauce).
Went here after a few mediocre experiences at Burger's Priest and will definitely come back. The price/value ratio is pretty awesome. Huge portions of fries, and the burgers are extremely filling and delicious. Honestly, this might be the best burger I've had since I was in California a few years ago.
The only negative here is location. In the middle of Etobicoke, it's not somewhere many people would see walking by, and downtown-dwellers wouldn't likely take the 45min public transit trip just for some fast food, no matter how good it is. THAT BEING SAID, anyone with a car considering the drive - it's definitely worth it.