| - Coming from northeast Ohio and being used to the local versions, I am not a big fan of the "New York Style" pizza. I don't specifically dislike it, but, like most people, prefer what I ate while growing up. With that out of the way, I found myself in the neighborhood of Luca's Pizza the other day and decided to try them. I made that decision before I realized it was "New York Style."
Viewed from the street, Luca's looks like someone knocked down a house and all that's left standing is the entryway and the kitchen. Intriguing. Almost makes you want to stop just to see what's inside. They offer carryout only. I am not aware if they offer coupons since I am not from their part of town and wouldn't receive their flyers. My GPS lists another name for the establishment so I presume that Luca's has been there for only a few years.
Their small pizza lists as 14 inches and costs $8.99. I had pepperoni added for another $1.50. The pizza measured in at a full 14 inches, with maybe 3/4 to 1 inch of crust around the edge. This style of pizza is known for a very thin crust and Luca's holds to that tradition very well. The bottom was baked to a dark brown without being burnt and was chewy without being hard. Sauce was good and tasty. Cheese was adequate and enough to let you taste it. The best part was the pepperoni. All 27 slices of them were deliciously spicy. I prefer my pepperoni to be cooked longer, probably another five minutes until they become darker and more crisp, but realize that the extra time needed to do so would have turned the crust into cardboard. But their spiciness made up for that.
I was torn between awarding three or four stars to Luca's (again, not the biggest fan of "New York Style"). But the following day when I nuked and ate what was left over, I enjoyed the pizza even more. There's something about reheated day-old pizza that tells a different story. Luca's told me that the flavors, the spiciness, the melted cheese and thin crust combined just right to create a fantastic flavorful chewy experience. They earned that fourth star. They next time I order from Luca's I will probably order a larger pizza or save more for the following day.