3 Months in and I had a gun pulled on me in the parking lot, Our main wall caved in due to the heat and rain flooding, We have termites, Unsupervised ghetto neighborhood kids constantly throwing glass bottles in the parking lot, The windows are falling out and there are no screens, Our front door has no weather stripping so we have a HUGE gap that lets bugs and outside weather right in. I've called and talked to the office about all of these problems and they called me a complainer and said "sometimes you just have to live with it." They purposely don't answer my calls or e-mails and I now have to use a Google Voice number to even get anyone to answer.
They've even gone as far as actively trying to evict me for ANYTHING out of spite. Small piece of trash on your steps? Legal notice of eviction. We believe you have a dog (which we do not)... Legal notice of eviction. They claim that they've gotten "numerous complaints" of us leaving things on our porch and throwing trash over our railing... COMPLETELY FABRICATED. All because I held them to the same standard they promised me before moving in.
There is no AC here. It's not an Air Conditioner. It's what they call a "chiller system"... There is no thermostat. We have an "ON" and "OFF" button. When we're hot we turn it to "ON" and hope for the best. Oh and winter time they switch the ON & OFF button to heat so if you're hot they say just open a window. WE WENT 2 WEEKS WITH NO COLD AIR IN THE BLAZING SUMMER.
Listen... Somebody from the Standard will reply to this with a nice message but you need to see through their bull crap. I expect them to try and evict me for even saying anything here. It's really that messed up.