| - I went there on Saturday morning at 7:45 to return some towels. There were 3 people behind the service desk, none of them noticed me standing in line all by myself. Two walked away and that left one girl who was intent on counting a stack of about 30 - $20 bills. It took her quite a long time to count them, and then she would write something on a piece of paper like she didn't know what 30 x $20 equalled. Then she would start over. One, one and a have, two, two and a half, three and a half, well you get the idea.
She didn't appear to care that I was there. She did not greet me, acknowledge me or offer any explanation for her tardiness. Instead she just sort of had that passive-aggressive attitude as if to say "I know you are there but I am in charge here and I'm going to pretend I don't see you and you can wait as long as I feel is necessary to make my point".
After about 5 minutes I sort of let into her and told her if this is a customer service desk, she should at least greet the customers, and offer some sort of explanation like I'll be right with you. After I scolded her she meandered over to a till and started doing some things on it in a slothly sort of way and finally asked me what I wanted. She interupted our transaction mid-way a couple of times to have brief chats with other staff members arriving for their shift. When asked she told me her name was Lenora but she wore no name tag. Lenora needs to recognise that customers are guests of Walmart and should be treated as such and not ignored. Having said that, the entire mall is sort of like a war zone to begin with so I can't say that I'm very surprised. It was just last week that they hauled some guy out of that mall trying to make mincemeat out of the people with a machete. Maybe Lenora had waited on him also.