Buzz.... no seriously. The chocolates deserve buzz. And not just because the hand painted bee on a "signature" honey and cinnamon treat told me.
This quaint little store has samples to try, a comfy window seat to rest and irresistibly beautiful creations that caused some serious oohing and ahhing, humming and hawing when I visited for the first time. There's guitars with pop rocks, frogs, a big turtle and a whole assortment of bars, bricks and chips. I also spied some hot drinks that might just do me well to try next time. They also do custom work: think wedding trinkets with pictures on them, or chocolate business cards. These little treats might cost a pretty penny but each bite was worth it and I did indeed savour them.
Have I eaten all of my purchases yet? No, no... I've trucked them back to Vancouver and am waiting for my "honey" to come home to devour the hand painted piggie-smoked-bacon (that's right, with a pig on top), the "lips," "Saffron" beauty and the earl gray masterpiece.