If you need to be somewhere in this building at a certain time, come early. I don't mean 5 minutes early, I mean 45 minutes early. The lines can be pretty long at the main entrance and at the main elevators. Here is another good tip: check the department listing on the first floor and be sure to verify the floor you are looking at is for the courtroom you are looking for (i.e. Justice or District) There is no directory on the floor that you may select by inadvertently going to the District Court level when you wanted Justice Court. Most people that you share the elevator with do not have the departments memorized, so you will more than likely end up taking a trip back down to the main floor to find what floor you really needed... remember, I advised 45 minutes early. Although the elevators are usually over capacity, the stairwell is not. Sometimes going up/down a few flights of stairs is less traumatic than riding in an elevator (literally front to butt) with lawyers and other "Law" types... abiding and not.
This is definitely a place to practice your manners, respect and a polite demeanor can only add positive karma to your situation.