| - If you're looking for a 2 star steakhouse, that's pretending to be 5 stars, then this is your place. Wait staff was awesome, friendly, and very courteous. The wine list was good, their cuvee selection is weak (but the one that they do offer is rocking), but that's where all the magic comes to an end.
We ordered two appetizers. Muscles: I give it an A for effort and C- for delivery. Clearly a rushed effort, and the broth had strong alcohol taste to it (they didn't give it enough time to burn off). Had they taken their time, the taste would have been good. Calamari: C+ at best. They over-drowned the fried calamari to a soggy mess. Real disappointing all the way around.
Caesar salad was awesome. (so only order this, and you'll be okay).
Steak was prepared appropriately, but it really lacked blue ribbon quality meat taste. Surprising given some of the best beef ranches are on this side of the Mississippi. The meat was grocery story quality and they should really re-think their supplier. Easy thing to fix given the price point.
Side dishes were decent, but nothing note worthy.
Over all, at this price point and atmosphere, there are far better options in the North Scottsdale area. I wouldn't recommend this, if you don't mind driving 5 minutes in just about any direction.