As far as tanning salon's go, I dig this place. They are a little bit overpriced, but I've realized that most tanning salon's in Cleveland are overpriced. I had tanned at the Four Seasons on Detroit Ave and it was a total hole. I would've tried anywhere after that lack luster introduction to the Cleveland tanning scene.
Max Tan is kinda small, but I haven't had to wait more than a few minutes for a bed, but I go during the day when everyone else is lucky enough to be in work, so I'm not sure about the 'after work crowd'. The staff is friendly and it is CLEAN. I don't know about you, but I don't want to lay my bare tush on a questionable surface... especially if I'm paying to be there! The bulbs seem pretty new and I typically feel like I've gotten some 'color' when I leave. I was actually pretty pink after I went the first few times, which was surprising considering I had just finished a month at Four Seasons. I guess the bulbs at Max Tan are stronger, bonus. They provide you with the appropriate eyewear and a towel (clean up after yourselves people! Don't leave proof that you 'glisten' for the poor girls to clean - Yes, I used to work in a tanning salon)
I am nearing the end of my 2nd month at Max Tan and I am sure I will renew sometime this summer or early fall, unless someone opens a tanning salon Tremont (wink wink - nudge nudge)