| - 1 star, because there isn't a lower rating available. -
We were driving up from Scottsdale specificly to go to the Town Dump. We were on vacation from Indianapolis and wanted to go there to see if we could find a gift / souvenier for the mom of a young girl that was vacationing with us. We were half way there when we called to see what time they close. The woman on the phone said 6 pm. We explained we were from out of town and were in route at the time of the call and it looked like we would be arriving a few minutes before 6pm. We asked if we got there before 6pm, would we still be able to shop. The woman said no, because they had a contract with an alarm company which required them to set the alarm exactly at 6pm. ( I find this hard to believe.)
Since we were already half way there, we decided to see if maybe we could arrive fast enough for the woman to allow us the honor of shopping for junk in her store. We pulled into the lot at 10 till 6. I thought great, we can run thru the store real fast with Maddie to see if anything caught her eye. We jumped out of the car quickly and headed toward the door. The woman was outside and practically ran to beat us there. She grabbed the security gate and pulled it across the door shaking her head no. When I said , but it's 10 minutes before 6. She said in a snotty voice, "it's 3 till and we have already set the code." Even telling her we drove from Scottsdale specifically to go there, it did not sway her.
In summary, I know my watch was not off. I know we had 10 minutes. I would have been ok with her saying we had to leave at 6 or a minute before. The bottom line is, she was cold, heartless, uncaring, self centered, uncompationate and I will never go there again.