| - So as I'm walking the aisles of Walmart, I'm contemplating what has become of my life. I should have been sipping a cocktail at a fabulous Sunday brunch. Perhaps I should have been in a little mountain cabin somewhere escaping the heat. But no, here I am at Walmart, wearing a free t-shirt lamenting about how fat I've become, while looking for TV dinner trays. Did you get that? TV DINNER TRAYS. Because my husband does not want to sit at the table situated 3 feet from the sofa, and he's tired of my eagle eye waiting for him to spill something.
Deciding that I deserve better, we left Walmart and headed for Target. This Target is generally clean and not too busy. Pretty much my only requirements for a Target. We found the trays, perhaps I should call them modular furniture, and wouldn't you know it..all of them were scuffed. And my husband points out the ones at Walmart match our living room better. Uh, we are NOT going to be leaving them out I remind him (now anticipating the arguments to come). So I took them to customer service to see if they had any unscuffed ones in the back, they didn't. Remembering that Donald S' beautiful Carin got a discount, I asked for one, too, and was quickly offered 10%. I took it remembering full well that the beautiful Carin was given 20%..nothing like a little salt on the wound.
Moral of the story. This target is clean with pleasant, accommodating employees for the most part, and easy to maneuver since it is not the circus of a Walmart. And they offer discounts...based on appearances.