| - I'm actually quite bummed to have to be writing this, as the folks at CP Auto seem very nice, and I selected them to work on my car based on all the positive feedback here, but my experience with their ability to manage expectations and deliver what they promise on-time has been just terrible. I'll summarize by saying that they promised to have work done on my car by the end of April, 2016, and it's now August and after repeated (i.e. 6-7) missed delivery dates I'm still without my car. I've restricted my remarks to strictly the facts of the matter, so judge for yourself whether I'm being reasonable in my review. The below is from my complaint to the Better Business Bureau.
In Nov. of 2015 I received a quote from CP Auto to do a repaint of my 1971 MGB (i.e. all necessary removal of parts and prep for painting, painting, and re-assembly). The owner of CP Auto quoted me $3200-$3800 and a timeframe of between four and six weeks to complete the job. I dropped the vehicle off on March 1, 2016.
In early April I called to check on the progress of the vehicle and was told I needed to let them know which color I wanted it painted. I was told I could expect my car to be done before May 20.
Earlier the week of May 16th, I called CP Auto to check on progress and get a final quote and delivery date. After several unreturned calls seeking this information, I went into CP Auto, and found that no work had been done on the car at all. An employee at CP Auto let me know that the owner was not available to talk to me, but that I could expect to pick up the vehicle in three weeks' time.
After repeated calls to CP Auto, I finally got the owner on the line and let him know how frustrated I was with this lack of progress and lack of communication. I told him that if he was unable to provide me with a schedule of activities and milestones that I should be able to observe over the next three weeks, that I would prefer he put the vehicle back as he received it and I would seek to have the work done elsewhere. At this time I received assurances from the owner that the work would be done in the timeframe, that I could expect to see the car primered the following week and that actual painting would be done in two weeks' time. On May 17th I sent an email to the owner confirming my understanding of these timeframes and milestones and asking for him to confirm the final price. I did not receive a reply to this email.
The agreed upon three weeks came and went, and other commitments kept me from following up on the progress on the car. In late June I went into CP Auto and found that the car had indeed gotten a coat of primer, but still had not been painted Regardless, as I was happy to see any progress at all, I let the matter slide and took the CP Auto employee's assurance that the work would be done in two weeks time.
About two weeks after that, I returned to CP Auto to find that the car had been painted. At that time I asked the employee showing me the car when I could expect to have it put back together and done, and was told "two weeks". Later the day of my visit I received an email from the owner with photos of the car attached letting me know it was "almost ready!" When I replied asking for cost and a specific date it would be ready, I received no reply. The date of this email was Aug. 5, 2016, or approximately 3-3.5 months past the initial promised date of delivery.
Visiting CP Auto on Aug. 8th I was told by the owner the car would be ready for that Friday. I let him know that I didn't need it for Friday, but could he please just promise to have it ready for the following Monday. I was astonished at the time to hear his response of "well, I can't commit to that". So transparently false was his commitment to the Friday Aug 12 delivery date, that when pressed, he was unwilling to commit to getting me the vehicle three days later.
On Friday, Aug. 19, 2016 I called CP Auto to check to see when I could expect the car, and speaking to the employee I had been dealing with to-date I was told "We'll definitely have that ready for you in two weeks". Exasperated, I asked "Why would I possibly believe that?". His answer was "I don't know". Asking "would you put up with this sort of thing?" His answer was "No".
On Friday Aug. 19th I sent the owner of CP Auto an email setting out my intention to contact the BBB and an attorney, and recount my experiences with CP Auto on consumer ratings sites, if I didn't hear from him ASAP with a commitment to have the vehicle ready on Wed, Aug. 24th and a final price for all work. It is Mon. Aug. 22nd as I write this, and I have not heard back from him.
Update: September 22nd, still no car, still no communication from CP Auto