Shady company. Stay FAR away. Once they get your credit card number, they make it impossible not to get charged extra. They make it INCREDIBLY easy to sign up, and very difficult to change your frequency (like canceling all future appts).
I received a reminder notice 23.75 hours before my last appt. I didn't realize that I even had another appt with them as I wasn't all that happy the first time. When I logged into my account, I saw that you have to cancel at least 24 hours in advance to not get charged a fee. In order to try and avoid the fee, I reschedule to the following week. Not only was I charged the $25 fee, I was also charged for the full amount of a 3 hour cleaning ($81). $106 and I haven't even had the appt.
Its like a MLM company decided to get into the cleaning business.