The place is very hard to find. But once you find it, it's definitely worth the search! (It's located at the second floor of Harrah's hotel, just take the escalator up and it's pretty much the first store you'll see on the left) The ice cream I tasted at the Ice Pan was definitely one of the highlights of my vegas trip! Ordering my ice cream was pretty tough because there's so many ice cream flavors and combination that you can come up with! Btw! They have a sheet of paper that is kind of a guide with which Ice Cream flavor doesn't really blend well with which toppings, but even so, you're totally entitled to your own flavor and combinations!
The best part is seeing the ice cream made, they turned liquid milk into ice cream and the process is so fascinating to watch! I ordered Vanilla flavored ice cream, whole milk with the toppings of strawberries and mochi. I played it safe, but it honestly turned out really great! The consistency was different and the mixing of mochi, strawberry and vanilla turned out very delicious.
P.S! They have healthier milk choices and an alternative for people who are diabetic
Definitely would come back to this place for the next Vegas trip. 5/5 stars well deserved!!