Real men and women eat at Los Betos. You're here to get some hearty Mexican cookin', and you give no fucks about the 80,000 calories you're about to consume. Diets are for the weak, anyway. You're not on a diet because your body is already a god damned temple, and you're going to worship it by ordering a combo #2, two cheese enchiladas deep fried in lard, an iron fistful of rice, and mountain of beans. Then you're going to wash that shit down with a mother fucking ice-cold beverage. The prices are more than reasonable. That means you got enough cash left over to order another combo #2. And you're a god damn rockstar so do you exactly that.
The employees know the deal. They make your food quickly and then they get the hell out of the way. You're hungry and you need to eat NOW. Drive through is available so you don't even need to get out the car while you gorge on the finest Mexican cuisine $6.99 can buy.
Live la vida loca, mother fuckers. Eat at Los Betos. Open 24-7.