| - Dr Marlene Joy appears to have a PHD in Education and not Psychology because those who can....
Appointed as therapeutic interventionist "T.I." in 2011 this excuse for a professional engaged in vagaries of perception, half truths and complete fabrication on treatment summaries to family court judges effectively committing perjury only to benefit mother because her family has lots of money. I knew i was in trouble when i disclosed to Dr Joy that mother's family has lots of money when i observed the inquisitory look of opportunity cross her squinting forehead and eyebrows. Court appointed counselor's enjoy protection from prosecution when and if they go bad. It was ordered there be no recordings of counseling sessions. This mechanism is in place to protect minor children, however it is currently being used to protect a dishonest and corrupt counselor. Dr Joy will protect the predator and claim your 12 yr old daughter that calls you "homicidal" in session has a big vocabulary and will leave out these abuses on treatment summary in court. Dr Joy will claim you missed multiple appointments when you show up a little late. That's right, your late, the appointment still happens, but its somehow a missed appointment on treatment summary and mother's lawyer uses this lie to extort more money out of you when claiming you missed 30% of your ordered sessions. Your 12 yr old daughter says in session step dad is mad stating "Why isn't this over yet?" i ask Dr Joy "What do you think he meant by that?" Dr Joy says "I don't know." When a co parent clearly engages in custodial interference that is willfully ignored by a counselor this is a failure. Days later the last treatment summary was issued earlier than usual by the request of mother's lawyer not Dr. Joy, it contained inflammatory statements in quotation marks that were lies and a PHD level narcissistic injury complaining of my disclosure of recording session for quality control. I had Dr Marlene Joy cold on half truths & lies on treatment summary to family court and submitted certified transcripts to az behavioral health board at great expense in a formal complaint. The board conducted an investigation, claimed no jurisdiction, dismissed my complaint and struck from Dr Joy's record all history of complaint. Counselors also enjoy HIPPA protection from disclosure of any investigation results, free to re offend without oversight or recourse. Family court relies too heavily on these 3rd party counselors for objective insight into cases and has little time if any patience for dissenting opinion if it means a substitution. Reduced or zero accountability for appointed authorities and significant expensive for a useless check & balance are precursors of "engineered corruption". Since Dr.Joy has lied to family court my parenting rights have been suspended, mother w/ money and at the time a lawyer filed severence in juvenile court claiming abandonment. She is currently under subpoena from mother to testify to her own lies in juvenile court against father. I submitted proof to family court years ago of Dr Joy's half truths, lies and bias on last treatment summary only to see her recommendations based on lies to be adopted as final orders and to be sanctioned with a china doll for attempting to keep the kool aid effect out of the courtroom. There is a culturally accepted "institutionalized bias" against father's that is not just shameful but at its core destructive to the population and its increasingly at risk youth due to its constructive ineptitude. This runs fundamentally against any hope for gain in lasting meaningful socio economic stability. In short this is a 2 star redneck town that to date, those whom rent those who govern mean to exploit those who reside for every last bit of value their dumb enough to continuously provide, absent input or question for the vaguery of the fictitious shining city on a hill.
A social engineering flaw too complex for the local brain trust to fix in meaningful time.