| - I heard rumour that the All You Can Eat Crab is no more... I know I'm going on a bit of hearsay with this one (*Edit* -Turns out I was wrong! AYCE Crab and Ribs is still around, but only on Sunday._ But with it - I'm sure this could be a 5-star. It's got all the qualities of a hidden gem. It's a dive that's authentic on the outside but superb on the inside. It's that damn sexy grime with a touch of class. Should I come as I am, or is this a fancy place in disguise? Bookers is just plain cool.
Now for what I'm worried to change by sharing... Bookers has a patio that's outside along the river front, they serve tasty food, especially the brisket ends, those things have been taking over my dreams, they serve local Wild Rose beer... And the best part - the patio never seems full, even on the most patio-est of patio days. It's the perfect hang out to be in the middle of it all and still get away from it all.
We had a bucket of crab too, which was great, but for a land locked province, I'd have to say that I love the novelty of seafood, but wind up enjoying myself when I go for the BBQ.