I can't write a review for Active Surplus without calling attention to the "ACTIVE SURPLUS; YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU'LL FIND" though I find it inaccurate. What he should be barking is: "ACTIVE SURPLUS; YOU'LL PROBABLY FIND WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR!"
Example the first: A while ago, I threw a Halloween party and naturally thought we should do raspberry sour puss shots from vials or test tubes complete with cork stoppers. Active Surplus had them in the "Chemistry" aisle.
Example the second: The following year for my Halloween costume, I went as V.I.C.I. (yes, that's Voice Input Child Identicant aka Vicki from Small Wonder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Wonder_(TV_series)). I needed a computer motherboard to add to the robotic feature of my costume and BAM, Active Surplus for the rescue for cheap!
Example the third: I want to bake a cake that has something spinning on it so went to search for a small motor and an enclosed battery compartment with a switch. You guessed it, I found it at Active Surplus.
After climbing a narrow staircase, the store is fairly large and broken up into appropriate aisles. The place does require some careful searching and you might be there longer than you intend but it is well-organized.
Do not make this your last resort spot for finding those little essential material for whatever your project is at the moment. Whatever you're looking for, you probably will find it... eventually.