I wish I could give less than one star. This is one of the worst bars I've ever been to, actually no it is the worst bar I've ever been to. The waitresses are beyond rude, I arrived to meet friends around 9:30 and walked in and asked for a drink but the waitress would not serve me she just said no. I was very confused and went to sit down with my friends and she would serve all the guys with no problem but I wasn't allowed to be served? I had not been drinking and my appearance was suitable, if anything I was over dressed for such a dingy place. Very bizarre, I left shortly after however when my friend got his bill he was charged different amounts for the exact same drink on the bill. His first pitcher was 25$ the next was 27$ and then 29$ for the exact same drink and size. I have also walked past this bar during the day around 10:30-11 and surprise surprise it's open! And there is always plenty of men smoking outside ready to accost you. In response to a previous poster, I'm not too sure if your race has anything to do with it as I am a blonde hair blue eyed white lady... I think this establishment is just full of undesirable clientele and staff.