After witnessing first hand how this store works I can say without a doubt don't waste your time here. The management is incredibly sloppy and very unprofessional. A family owned business but very little interest is paid. All the products are out dated and minus a few unique novelties the shop doesn't actually offer too much in the way of alien merchandise, and prides itself on it's collection of books and 'bico' pendants. Everything is outrageously over priced, often as much as three to four times original costs was incredibly disappointed with the staff, considering the majority of the family is quite kind but has no interest in the store. I suggest saving your money on most of the items there and find it only useful for a few select items such as alien tequilas and beers. The only saving grace it offers is a novelty stop for kids and tourists to pose with their aliens. The merchandise however is cheap, or far to over priced.