It was my first time donating blood a couple of weeks back. Everybody was friendly and helpful, and the sign in process was way quicker than expected. Make sure you sign up online and do their questionnaire before going in that day to save you and the staff some time!
I was so grateful and impressed with the staff. I got nauseous and before I could even let someone know, 3-4 staff members ran over and were placing cold packs under my clothes and talking me through it. I ended up throwing up on a staff member (I am so sorry whoever it was) but she was so calm and nice about it! I was apologizing the whole time but they kept reassuring me and thanking me for my donation.
I want to say the staff member's name was Maria, but I'm not too sure so I'm sorry. Maria stayed with me and talked with my mother and I, and she even wheeled me into the bathroom and made sure I was completely well before going home. I wanted to thank you guys earlier, but with what happened it's been hectic.
I'd also like to thank each and every staff member for working so quickly and hard during this tragic event. We would've lost more victims if it wasn't for the people donating and the staff working so hard.