| - I signed up for this yelp just so I could leave a review. This isn't the first bad experience I've had with them, it's probably nor like the 3rd or 4th. I sat there waiting for 10 min (no big deal) until I saw a "green can" approach the address I was at, I got in the can, told them my name, what not, they proceeded to tell me this was not my cab (mine) was on its way and would be there in 5 minute... 20 minutes later another "green cab" shows up and I get into the cab, where I am told for a second time that this is not my ride mine will be arriving shortly... Very irritated at this point I say, "fine!" And again wait another 20 minutes or so... Until, yet ANOTHER, shows up and tells me it's not my ride, and that put I am furious. I understand service industry and what it entails... However, when I must wait an hour and half (roughly) to get a ride when I was told it would be just 10 min. I find there service to be very misleading...