Let me start by saying that Verizon has great coverage in this area; no dropped calls. BUT, and that is a BIG BUT, this franchise and the customer service people in general at Verizon are terrible. Not only that they do not tell the truth and for a business, that is despicable! But, they will extract as much cash out of you they can. I have many examples, but most recently we were told I could qualify to upgrade to a smart phone on a certain date and when we went back to the store, they said no as if they had complete amnesia. This has happened 3 times in the last year. I had a battery go bad on my flip phone before that and they made me renew two years for that.
Finally, we have had enough and though we have a family plan, I am going to venture out into the AT&T world for 6 months and, if it works well enough, bye-bye Verizon.
I just resent giving Verizon any more of my hard-earned money.