The broth is the most essential part of the pho and their broth compared to other pho restaurants I have been to is nothing special, if anything the broth is a little on the sweeter side.
My primary place of choice for pho in Phoneix is KHAI HOAN in Tempe, due to its proximity to where I live (I go to ASU) and the quality of their broth (yummm).
But Khai Hoan is closed on Mondays, and unfortunately I suffering from the flu and was absolutely in need of pho. Doing a quick yelp search led me to this high rated restaurant.
The ambiance inside the restaurant and the plating of the food is amazing, which gave me high expectations of what was to come. The spring rolls are mediocre and the peanut sauce was not to my preference, it was too thick and did not melt around the spring rolls when dipped.
The tendons in the pho was undercooked and had a rubbery, chewy consistency as opposed to that "melt in your mouth" consistency at khai hoan and other pho places.
Their broth is not as rich as others, you can definitely taste the difference. The spring rolls albeit look amazing unfortunately do not taste that way. The cuts of meet were also too thick and not thinly sliced.