| - Time to get shocked: I frequent the library.
I know you can't tell by looking at me, but I'm trying to cram as much information into my brain as possible at all times. The Burton Barr library is an excellent place to do that. This place is massive.
If you want to get some serious shit done, I would take the stairs to the 5th floor immediately. You'll also get your days worth of exercise climbing up these stairs, which I am a fan of.
Good, you've made it. Now look at this room, it's frickin massive. THE WORLD IS YOURS. There's some pretty killer views from up here, and also a serious amount of non-fictions goodness.
What's between floors 1-5? God only knows. Likely homeless people.
The homeless do seem to seek refuge here, but I haven't noticed any downsides to this fact as of yet. Someone did try talking me into a Church / Cult meeting once while I was walking in, but that's about it.
You might be looking for a plug for your laptop? They are there, fixated to the underside of tables.
That's about all...oh wait.......
SUPER NOT-SO-SECRET BONUS, but a reason to go to the library even if you're not into book learnings.
They have glass elevators, that FLY. Hop in on the 5th, press your face against the glass, look down and wait. It's vertigo heaven. TRY IT. It's worth it.