I tried three donuts- maple glazed long John, chocolate with Bavarian, and chocolate glazed.
Maple glazed long John- first, it was easily 1/4 of the size of a normal long John (say from beckers or giant eagle). It was the only donut I could actually finish. The maple glaze was delicious (well what I could scrap off the box since I opened the box to it face down once I got into my car). The donut itself is so doughy it's hard to get through. There was very little filling, but what was there was great! I think it even had vanilla bean in it.
Chocolate with Bavarian- my least favorite. Was very bitter. I couldn't even get through more than a couple small bites. The only filling I tasted was the little bit that came out of the sides and it was okay. Over all, the donut had zero sweetness and was just bitter. Maybe some people would enjoy that but I definitely didn't. Also very small.
Chocolate glazed- this donut was so doughy that my jaw was starting to hurt after two bites. Very little flavor at all. As a baker enthusiast (but not professional), I can't figure out if they are using too much flour, not enough yeast and sugar, if they mix it too long, or if they just don't let it double rise but something is off. It's like eating a circular piece of bread with a sweet-ish topping. This was a normal sized donut however.
The place was very pretty inside, the owners were very friendly. I thought the massive box I got for my smallish donuts seemed wasteful and one flipped in the box. I couldn't see myself going back (unless the donut can be changed) but I'm glad I at least got to try a local business!