After spraying down my rented mat I exited the studio & noticed a honeycomb of cardboard on the side wall of the adjoining lounge space...coloured pieces of rolled-up paper were inserted in it's surface...i saw that this 'karma wall' encouraged us to write something down that we were grateful for and then, deed done, stick the personal blessing into an available niche in the honeycomb....I wrote that I was grateful for my just-purchased passport to prana which'll allow me to check out pretty much every yoga spot in tha GTA muthafuckah....
.I am grateful to be able to mingle w/ Rosedalians & Parkdalians alike & the 889 experience made me grateful to be surrounded by beautiful women high above the adjacent subway train and even more grateful to be lying on a hardwood floor in chavasana and not packed onto a rushhour rocket 60 ft away outside the window ah bliss....the tea and water spread around the studio were a welcome refreshment before and after class and I even filled up my thermos for later. Good stuff...I am grateful that I can yelp about places like they say na-ma-stay