My review of Brooks Brothers clothes is very positive. I like the classic style. Nearly all the clothes have a nice understated look that will serve you well in a professional job. The casual clothes are very nice too. I find it really hard to find good casual clothes that I really like - I eventually give away clothes I buy from the Gap or stores like that because the quality just isn't that great. I guess BB is a fairly pricey store but if you go during one of their sales (which are pretty frequent) it's really not that bad. A lot more reasonable than Harry Rosen.
Now, here's the other side of the coin. Although I have heaps of praise for the clothes the salespeople who work there are a mixed bag. I have to agree with the person who had a bad experience with one of the salespeople. I had a similar experience yesterday. We have "casual Fridays" at work so I went in the store in jeans and running shoes. I was actually wearing a BB long sleeve casual shirt though. Anyway, I got the unmistakable impression that one salesperson I dealt with would prefer if someone like me didn't even come in the store! I'm positive he was keeping an eye on me (and asking another salesperson to do the same) because he thought I might steal something! Of course he didn't actually say anything rude to me or I would have spoken up - but the condescending attitude was very clear. Having said this, I've had very good experiences with other salespeople there.
I'll keep shopping there because I really like the clothes but if that salesperson comes over to "help" me next time I'm in I'll tell him to keep walking and find another salesperson who genuinely wants to help.