| - I took both of my dogs (koah, and baya) here to get their rabies shot, and everyone seemed nice and helpful. I figured this would be our normal vet from here on out trusting them with the care of my babies.
Baya, who is a 4 month old puppy had a seizure. At the time I didn't know it was a seizure because she wasn't having the Grand Mal type. I called this vet to make an appointment and they were very helpful with getting me in that same day. When I took her in I explained everything that was happening. She was clapping her jaw, foam/slobber was coming out from her mouth, she had runny poops, her paws/nose were peeling, and her eyes were goopy. We saw Dr. Jennings and he first thought was that she had gotten bite by something or it was rabies. He was not clear AT ALL as to what else he thought it was. He asked us to complete a parvo test to make sure it wasn't that, so of course we did and the test came back negative. He talked with us letting us know that puppies are more prone to get respiratory infections and that he would put Baya on anti-vomiting medicine and an antibiotic, even thought she was not vomiting. Since I'm not a vet I thought this was fine and we would try out the medication and see how this worked out for our pup. This was not a quick process, he was very vague, and not of any assistant as to what was wrong with Baya. He just kept telling us that her eyes, the poops, and the foaming was not normal...well DUH it's not normal. We were there for over an hour figuring out nothing pretty much.
Once we got home, Baya seemed okay, she wasn't her perky normal self but I figured she was just sick and things would get better the next couple days. Well I was completely wrong. Baya started having her clamping of the mouth seizures and they lasted for about 20 seconds. As the night went on she continued to have them. By 11:30pm she had about 10 of them. I was SO worried and in tears. She continued to have them through the night and early morning and they progressively had gotten worse. By 4:30am I was completely fed up with waiting it out and seeing if the medication would help and took her into the emergency vet (First Regional Animal Hospital). We walked in and not even 1 minute had past and the vet tech looked at her and said oh my gosh she has distemper. I was clueless as to what that was. She told me she has all of the symptoms; goopy eyes, rough nose and paws, runny poop, and seizures. I was shocked that the vet at Banfield, Dr. Jennings, did not pick up on this yesterday. It was an extremely sad visit because we learned there was really nothing left to do for our Baya and we chose to put her to sleep so she wouldn't have to suffer.
I was beyond upset at Dr. Jennings for not seeing these signs when we took her to the vet just 10 hours before. Baya would NOT have had to suffer and went through what she did. We learned at the first regional hospital once they start having seizures, as she did yesterday when we took her to the vet at 2:30 just 10 hours prior to this, it's too far and there's not much else we can do. We could of put her down at that visit with Dr. Jennings and she would not have had to suffer those 10 hours.
My recommendation is not to go to this vet, it was a terrible experience that poor Baya DID NOT have to go through.