Oh West, you crap filled basement you. I've been through two generations of this joint. It was super hot when it first opened and the idea of a boutique lounge was really new and hot. Before that I think the only place you could get that feel was ina hotel bar. Athe big hype was centred around the fact that you had to be "invite" and that they didn't have any markings outside. I met this vile investment banker there once who turned out to be inches away from American Psycho. Originally it had over priced drinks with some music and a lounge environment. Now, it's just a club like any other. The covered patio on the street level isn't bad but they over pack it with their entire liquor license (for two floors) and you can barely move. The downstairs is your basic club basement. The sound system is terrible, the service is flat and the patrons are totally forgettable. It's only worth going if you're being dragged by the hair.