Agree with another post: it is the best option for those of us without insurance. Overall, though, the place seems understaffed and underfunded.
The doctors and staff are a mixed bag: one of the receptionists was very abrupt and seemed dead set on not making eye contact, however the front receptionist who buzzes you in, seems friendly enough. That said, she is obviously very busy. I waited at the window for about 10 minutes before she came to buzz me in and of course, the women chatting behind the prescription counter didn't bother to get her so she could sign in the growing line of waiting patients (even after I asked).
The doctor I saw this time was totally friendly and helpful; however, a few years ago, a doctor at Bay Centre actually scared me out of getting an IUD, by repeatedly reminding me how painful implantation would be and that they were uncommon for women without children....
Go if you need to, but make sure to be assertive and expect a wait!