| - Let's face it, sometimes a girl's just gotta dance! Rain at the Palms is an oversized frat party, and the best place in town to get your groove on. But, if we are going to do it Vegas-style, may I suggest saving some dinero and splurging on a skybox. These ultra exclusive vip rooms come with a hefty price tag , but they are worth it. For starters, ladies, you don't have to deal with that super sweaty middle-aged man rubbing his sweat-soaked metallic button down shirt all over your pretty new dress. This is my biggest club peeve. You also don't have to wait forty five minutes just to put your elbow on the bar and wait for it to get noticed. They are above the dance floor, so you can see down onto the entire lower story. If you are lucky and there is a fashion show or other event going on that night, you have the best seat in the house! There are couches to rest your dancing tootsies, and a full wait staff (who are all gorgeous, by the way) and they are always ready to dance with you! If you decide to venture out, there is another vip bar for the skyboxes outside where you can party it up. Rain is an awesome club, but unless you are at a table or in a skybox, it is simply too much to handle when you just want to dance!
Recommended drink: With the skyboxes, you are expected to purchase at least two bottles, and I always choose Ketel!
Recommended Skybox: I like the skyboxes closest to the upstairs bar that I mentioned, just in case you need a change of scenery...