| - Lat night, 03 October 2017, was the US premier of the new show at the Rio Hotel for Wow. This is part water show--no diving or fancy things like that--and it's a mixture of variety acts.
The show starts with the cast being "caught" by a fisherman and coming up on hooks out of the water. From there, you have acts that use the water such as the Singing in the Rain segment or the pirate section.
While the curtain is shut to prepare the stage for the next water involved act, your attention is drawn to a circular stage in front. There, a variety of acts go on--roller skaters, juggling, hoop acrobatics, and others.
The show is aided by the use of wonderful projections on 3 large LED screens that augment the sections with great scenes. These were there before but they have really used the to the fullest. One of the most delightful things is that while some scenes are displayed at the back of the stage, there is a scrim in front of the stage and on it are projected different things. This gives an aura of 3D and it's very well done.
This show is fast paced, funny at times, and filled with a variety of acts. I don't want to describe much more because I don't want to give away some of the things that happen. Suffice it to say that this is a little 'O', a little G rated Absinthe, and a little V Variety show.
The cast was outside the theatre last night for photos. When they have two shows per evening, I'm not sure they'll have the time to do that. This is a nice addition to entertainment in Las Vegas and a reason to go to the Rio.
A couple of suggestions: Park at the Masquerade Tower garage. It's closer to the theatre than the other garage along Valley View. Parking is FREE for everyone at the Rio and there are no ticket dispensing machines nor gates to slow you down.
As for seating, I had a front row Vip section seat. I'd recommend sitting away from the stage than up close. I had to stare up several times during the show. Since the showroom is not a huge place, sitting several rows back would be good.