Dearest Bilo and Lowes Foods,
It's not's me. I've fallen in love with Ingles. It was fun while it lasted. Late night booty calls for bread and beer, Sunday rotisserie chickens, and let's not forget the double coupons. But we've grown apart, largely due to my passion for international cuisine. I know you don't want the details on my new love but let me explain.
-For my Italian dinner of porcini mushroom risotto and tiramisu...I had the hardest time finding the ingredients. I had to buy a premade packet of risotto and also had to make lady fingers from scratch. A+ for effort but it cost me a lot of time. Ingles had everything I needed.
-Ingles sells real southern syrup like Roddenbury's cane patch and Oh Boy
-They have a kick ass beer cave with kegs!
-There is so much variety with every item. Who knew there were 40 different types of water???
-The produce, deli, bakery, gourmet meat and cheese sections are amazing! Everything that I ever wanted. You can even make your own trail mix and grind your own peanut butter.
-The organic/gluten free/vegan options in every department are unmatched.
-Double coupons, a reward program that gives gas discounts and a drive-through pharmacy sealed the deal.
I could go on and on but I'm sure I've hurt you enough. Forgive me. You'll always have a special place in my heart.