| - The time has come for my triumphant return to the Yelp! Circle. After long last, I have returned to write a review of an establishment for drinking in Old Town Scottsdale. Yes, I like to have a good time, and yes I have been to said establishment several times. A review like these needed time and deep thought as I returned to the Yelp! scene. Alas...
Firehouse is a place of glory. Whether for an afternoon game, a night on the town, or late night grub, it is everything that you can desire. As a former employee of the Old Town bar scene, Mikey's Hangover was a staple of my post work routine. Finish up at the bar, walk over to Mickey's, order up some grub and watch the drunk idiots throw down after 27 vodka monsters. It was outstanding. Firehouse has brought this back to life.
But Firehouse is way more than the old Mickey's Hangover could ever desire. They blew out the compartmentalized feel and opened up a big party area. A place for dancing in front of a huge Fire Engine DJ booth. Reminds me of my days at a 6 year old boy telling mama I want to grow up to be a Fireman. Want to know what doesn't remind me of my childhood days?? The outrageous amount of beautiful young ladies that are constantly running around this establishment.
I'll say it again.
I wish I could post a picture of Carson Daly on Spring Break 98...
The food is good. It's not great, but it is a throw back to the days of old and has a little piece in my heart. Rumor on the street is they even brought back the old Mickey's cook. But seriously, are you looking for much more than some good greasy grub while downing some beers in the afternoon watching your team, or at 2:30 am after you struck out with the 37 smoking hot babes earlier that night???
In addition, Firehouse has brought back some of your favorite Scottsdale bartenders. Their staff is second to none in the Old Town. Even when I want to go day drink on a Sunday, there is a familiar face from yesteryear. At the bar there are throw back some old school mickey's gems. Yes you can get a mickey's grenade. If you are homeless, they have Mad Dog 20/20...
Lastly, the Patio. This is arguably the most recognizable patio in Old Town Scottsdale. What could they possibly do to make this better than Mickey's, you might have been asking? Well they did it...Open up the front of the building for easy access in/out of the bar, and expand the patio to allow for all sorts of drinking games. Genius.
Thanks to the new ownership!! Major props for taking something that was great, keeping what was awesome, and stepping up their game to make it even better.