| - This place has become a welcome staple for my husband and me - which is saying a lot considering the first time I went there I vowed to NEVER GO BACK.
I read the reviews, I did my homework, I bought the membership... My husband and I first went on a hot summer day last year. He was wearing a button up and shorts (the same old story). We got in, sat down, ordered our drinks, and only then did a very nice man come over and tell my husband his attire wasn't up to snuff. Objectively, he did ask if we lived close and if he was willing to go home and change he would buy our first round of drinks (which was fortunate as they were $18/each and we weren't crazy about them). Me, being a hot-headed woman and fiercesome defender of my loved ones was as white hot mad as if someone slapped my husband in the face. I was ready to walk out. My husband, on the other hand, is logical, cool-headed and just plain nice. He wasn't put off at all. He asked me to stay while he went home. Blah blah blah... So, you may be thinking... where's the climax? Why did you go back? Well, the truth is I was angry for a while after that. But we ordered drinks we liked and because you're not supposed to have your phone out - we ended up talking. I mean really talking. Because we had nothing to distract ourselves we had one of the best conversations we've had in months. Listen, I'm not promising this is going to happen to you - but I left feeling really... good. I felt like I had an awesome date night with my husband where we only focused on listening to each other. It was kind of like a time warp - no phones, no television, great drinks and even better food. It was really, really nice to be forced to slow down and enjoy it.
We've been back maybe once a week since then. The food is SUPERB. I mean, A+++, 5 Star good. And when we go, we are mindful of what we wear. The "staff" (why does that word feel condescending?) is pretty freaking wonderful. We've gotten to know the bartenders and the hosts - everyone is authentic and seems to genuinely like what they do. And we've seen them deal with a lot of shit. I get it - I was there too. Rules are annoying... but I pulled my foot out of my ass and now I love it. I mean, I really love it. So . here's my advice: Get over yourself so you can enjoy yourself.
Warning: it gets loud as hell on the weekends. I prefer weeknights, but that's more my style.
The smokebox is their most popular. I LOVE old-fashions, but this was a bit much for me. The NY Truffle Sour is extraordinary. Also - the Vieux Carré (equal parts bourbon and N'awlins magic) - you're welcome.