We have had amazing coaches in the past until this season that we refused to complete. We attended (the first) practice we were never told was optional and made the mistake of forgetting a mouth guard and pockets in our 6 year olds shorts. I immediately left (did not have my son practice) and returned within 10 minutes with a mouth guard - the coach had tape that he gave me to cover his pockets ONLY AFTER he pulled me aside, yelled at me because he sent an email detailing the rules. I have no problem with the rules, I made a mistake and fixed them right away. We forget that this is a recreational league teaching 1st and 2nd graders how to play on a team and have fun. I was the only parent pulled aside and yelled at although two others made mistakes. I will keep my comments to myself as to why I believe that happened to me and not the other two parents - we contacted the Director and told them we did not want to be on this coach's team. Unfortunately they could not move 4 children to another team, so we had to not play at all - all over a coach who cannot communicate appropriately in person and speak like an adult. I should not be reprimanded because I made a mistake at a practice that by this leagues rules is optional (coach never advised this). This league lost 4 children who will never play for them again and gets to keep the coach that made it happen. It is hit or miss with this league - in the past I would always recommend them, now, I would stay far away.