Don't !!!
I had them come out for an AC checkup and the tech came up with TWO blown fuses and a capacitor!
(the AC was working fine at the time)
Well, I guess this little girl freaked the tech out when I brought put my meter and ohm'd out the fuses. One was good and the other was blown.
I gave him the benifet of that doubt on the fuses knowing when power is cycled this "could" happen.
The techs face was white.
Then I asked him for the cap.. He stammered and said it was in his truck with other and he didn't know which was mine. Total BS.
What was the absolute? worse is when i called and talked to the other he did nothing but defend his already fired employee.
I wasn't asking for any money back and matters of fact it was months later and prompted by a guy at home depot to call him and let him know.
Never again.
My husband and I are investors and have multiple homes around the city now and have a great list of home maintenance that Don't rip people (no women)off .
Please be aware.