| - I've been vaping for a couple of years, and it was time to upgrade to the latest. I wanted something that would do the job, but also add a bit of stealth to it. Most people who vape go for the larger, bulkier, bad-ass-look-at-me-I'm-vaping sized but I wanted something stealthy, pocket sized and could still do the job as the big boys.
On a Saturday morning, I head down and the sales man wasn't pushy, explained every concern and question and was very friendly. Getting a free coffee helped as well. All the models were shown and demonstrated.
You're able to try different flavors, the list is easily understandable and most importantly, unlike the vape shop I normally go to, on St. Denis, they actually addressed my concerns and helped me pick an e-cig that balanced power, durability and stealth.
If you're starting out or a pro, this shop didn't disappoint. And, they apparently make their own e-juice themselves.
A full kit and 2 e-juices for under 40$? That's a win for me.