| - Tasty, tasty, tasty!! Very fair prices paired with delicious food... why just 3/5???
Errors are too common. Ordered from a small group of us at lunch, 4 out of 5 orders had mistakes, and only 3 out of 5 were special order. Even a basic straight-off-the-menu gets screwed up? Come on, carolinas.
When we called about the errors, the restaurant finally offered to discount our next group order, but could not tell us by how much (?!) When we DID order again, we were told at pick-up time that the discount was only good for a month (it had been 32 days!)! Really?!?!!
Thankfully, we called in order to get take out. The atmosphere inside this "restaurant" is one of a cattle barn at the state fair. Orders are taken over an intercom, food and styrofoam plates thrown around like hay bales, and customers are herded through like animals.
In summation, food was deliciously delightful, customer relations were poor, and the inside dining atmosphere was barn-like.