home of the san francisco giants!! (in the off season...)
this stadium was nothing like i expected. it was basically a smaller, more outdoor-ish version of AT&T park in san francisco. (even the bathrooms looked the same inside!)
the ballpark is situated ever-so-conveniently, right outside old town scottsdale. theres parking lots in the surrounding area that are relatively affordable ($10). the stadium is beautiful! we sat in the outfield area on the grassy area. we brought our own towels to sit on and it was like a big ol' giants love fest. it was SUPER hot so i loved that people with ice cold lemonades and beers keep walking around. otherwise i would have had a heat stroke! (yeaa.. if you are sitting on the grass area and its a sunny day, i recommend finding a shady spot...)
food choices were superb!!! we had this pulled pork sandwich on buttery toast and spicy cole slaw. DROOOLLLL! so effin delish!! they had the standard hot dogs, popcorn, and etc... but fresh kettle corn stands and even an asian noodle stand (this was VERY POPULAR).
we got to the game two hours early. this turned out to be an excellent idea as we got to see all the starting pitchers (timmy included) warm up in the smaller practice area in the back. a lot of the players were nice enough to sign a few balls for the fans... and will "the thrill" clark was walking around taking pics and signing autographs!!!!!
we had such a fun time... even though it was almost 100 degrees and i spent most of the game sitting in the shade almost passing out. definitely will be there for 2012 spring training!!