Dont waist your time! We got here at 6:30 on sat night for a friends birthday. When we sat down we ordered a beer each and everyone wanted to do a shot so we all did one. We at that point we ordered chips and queso dip. 45 min later we ask about the queso and the waitress said she will check on it. She comes back out the kitchen and says they are making it now. WTF this is chips from a bag and some cheese dip the put in a microwave. Unreal. 10 min later our chips and queso show up. Everytime we ordered a beer it took 15-20 min to get. No joke. Its because they have one person bartending on a saturday night. Not sure why, but the place was only about a third full but she was backed up and the manager was not helping. At about 8:30 a few more people show up and we got another shot and now my third beer in two hours. When the waitress brings the drinks she tells us the manager says we cant order anymore drinks for 30 45 min. I said why not. She says the manager says we cant serve you anymore shots cause there is a limit to how much we can serve you in a certain amount of time. I said you have got to be kiddding me. On my third beer and two little girl foo foo shots and we are cut off, one hour for queso dip , you are f$#kin kidding me. I said check please we are out of here. We were not being loud or causing in attention to us for any reason. It was the most melow I have seen a grpup of 10 be at a bar. A few people went outside to smoke every once in a while and each end of the table had there own conversation going on.The worst service, I have never seen this before. I have been drinkin at the bars for a while and I have to say 3 12oz bottel beers and 2 shots in 2 and a half hours on a sat night is a slow start at the bar. This place is horrible. If I could give them 0 stars or negative stars I would! Im sorry I guess Im the only one going to the bar on a sat night to get a littel drunk.