Yay, I'm fan only of the arcade section. DO NOT EAT HERE IF YOU LIKE CARDBOARD FOOD...IKEA IS NEXT DOOR BETTER OPTIONS/PRICING. Okay so now we cleared that up back to my games area review. this place has ALOT of games to get the best gaming experience go on Wednesdays for Half Price All day. I noticed on this day only more games are in working order. My favorite games is the SpongeBob coin toss and the Star Trek Rapid Fire Coin Toss. Between these two games they are fun and get you collecting some cards for a chance to win thousands of tickets for prizes. Other games worth mentioning are Mario Kartz drive, shooting 3d games, throw ball, basketball games. You can definitely have fun here. Get one of the special tier cards $56 power play for best value, Be aware you have to pay tax on top which i think is stupid but it is what it is. Overall you will have a good time.