This place sucks! If you ever decide to venture into their store you will get to experience a very rude jerk coming at you fast like you're about to rob the store. Then he starts in with what are you here for, but not in a nice way. More like an accusation. If you tell him what you're looking for he will start insulting you. Every single sentence is an outright insult. Makes you want to get hands-on to teach the guy manners. Forget trying to browse around. He will stay on your butt every step and keeps hurling insults. This is the first military surplus store that I have been to that doesn't like military at all. I was wearing a veteran t-shirt and my Air Force hat when I attempted to shop there. If you like to be verbally abused then this shop is for you. To the other 99.9% of us who do not think verbal abuse is cool, you'll want to shop somewhere else. Oh yeah, cell phones not allowed because he does not want people recording his rudeness.