It's pretty much your standard Ikea. Not quite sure when this one was built as I'm a new transplant from FL. You've got the windy walk through the showroom to the cafe and then the windy walk through the shopping area and then the standard self-service area. A few departures from the comforts of my home Ikea: 1) You have to climb stairs to get to the sales floor. (Okay. I'm not lazy. But once I've had the convenience of an escalator taken away from me, I'm grumpy.) 2) An "As Is" section to rummage through for deals! (Sadly, we didn't have one of those back home) 3) A furniture pick-up in the strip mall across the street. (As the Ikea in Tampa is fairly new, it's also fairly GINORMOUS. That being said, there was no need for this additional trip. I wonder how many people buy their stuff and then just drive home, forgetting to pick it up.)
Like I said. Standard Ikea stuff.