My wife and I were in the mood for wings and instead of going to the usual haunt of Louis cifer (whose wings are excellent) we decided to try something new. The first sign of concern was the size of the wing menu. There were around 100 sauces, and with the minimal turnover at this restaurant, it made the freshness of the sauces highly questionable. I ordered one of the very hot flavours that had a traditional Buffalo wing sauce according to the server. When the order arrived I was disappointed at the size of the chicken wings but the taste was decent enough and accompanied by a pint it was a serviceable experience. Around 3 am I woke up with sharp pangs of nausea and a cold sweat. Food poisoning sucks, and for several hours I was in severe discomfort and condemning myself for going to a restaurant where I had alarm bells going off. The lesson here is to distrust near empty restaurants with needlessly extensive menus.