Awful, oppressive place to visit. Extremely rude and unfriendly security. Was asked to leave for taking photographs of a Bride who was spending thousands on her wedding right next door at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa, which is, one would assume, part of the Westgate Entertainment District. An absolute joke. A mean spirited security guard woman told us we were trespassing on private property and that we could be arrested for not having a permit. Seriously? What about all the people around us taking cell phone photos of the fountains? Do they need permits as well? Power hungry security guards harassing people with no real consistency or accountability. No wonder the Coyotes have a dispute with the city of Glendale because they are clueless. This is not how you promote Westgate as a tourist destination, by the way. Virtually everyone in our wedding party said they would never buy an over-priced beer again at a Westgate bar or restaurant. Good job, Glendale. Can't wait until the Coyotes leave and this place becomes a wasteland and its security guards are forced to patrol the outlet mall.