Until they add more trains, Charlotte's rail system is a bit if a joke. Apparently you can park your car around here while you ride the Lynx, but I have only ever walked.
But anyway. This station is at the Uptown end of the line. 3rd Street and the Transit Center are the biggest Uptown stops where the train expends most of its flare, and 7th street only catches the dribbling remains. But it's still my favorite. The wall of the station (where Reid's used to be, pour a '84 Cabernet Sauvignon for my upscale-homie) is punctuated with illuminated vertical plastic bars. It looks sort of artsy or whatever and I always thought it was a nice touch. But after a year of living here some little kids taught me their secret: if you tap them, they light up and make sounds. This is great entertainment for sober children and inebriated adults.